Society and the media

@ 01.12.2022

The media as a channel for the dissemination of information, and the general development of the Internet has been a real breakthrough in humanity's social progress in the 21st century.

The accessibility of the Internet on a global scale has revolutionized the dissemination of information. Now it is not necessary to have your own newspaper, television, or radio station in order to organize your own mass media. Previously, before the advent of social networks and Youtube, it was necessary to have your own infrastructure, a website, an Internet portal.

After the emergence of Facebook, Vkontakte, and Youtube, even the need for your own infrastructure disappeared. It became possible to distribute printed, video, photo and audio materials, opening them up to the general public.

Total shutdown or restriction of Internet access within one city, or even region, of the country through state regulation is technically practically impossible, since operational, state and business management is tied to the Internet, which could lead to a full-scale collapse in control of the situation.

At the present time, the media, and social networks in particular, have become a kind of "collective intelligence," which makes it possible to obtain information quite simply and, most importantly, from a variety of points of view.

However, we should also not forget that the Internet and the media in the modern world have become not only a tool for learning about the world around us, but also an instrument of political confrontation and information warfare.

The modern information management of the consciousness of society is expressed in the conscious dosed and selective presentation of information in a way and position that is exclusively advantageous and necessary for the owner of the media. In fact, this means that facts are selected and presented in a one-sided, narrowly focused manner in order to form a completely one-sided understanding of the situation among the audience. Also, the media often does not shy away from one-sided disinformation, twisting the facts, or omitting important events or details in order to achieve their goals.

In today's political battles the media have become the most advanced weapon capable of shaping public opinion and influencing the conscience of whole nations.

From a global point of view, the media in the current reality should be considered as an open means of controlling the opinion and consciousness of people, a tool for shaping the information picture.

One of the most important aspects of modern life is getting access to information and news from various, and most importantly, independent of each other media. Here we are primarily talking about the media of different states, presented in different languages. This at least makes it possible to obtain information with different degrees of reliability and, most importantly, different points of view.

Thus, given the general politicization of modern media, their financial and economic basis of work, we can say that only receiving information from different sources, which are independent and not controlled by each other, will make it possible to avoid "zombification" and the formation of a biased, one-sided viewpoint by each individual and the nation as a whole, which media owners, certain financial and industrial groups, agents of influence or even entire governments and states often achieve and put at the forefront.

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